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Why I'm Blogging For My Business

It's my dream in life to find a way to integrate all the things I'm passionate about. Of course, I can't (successfully) pursue certain careers anymore, but as a maker, a dreamer, and someone who doesn't want to let certain interests or talents go to waste, it's important that I strive to find connections and slowly build up this curated existence I'm after.

Perhaps one day I'll dive into more details about what those interests are; but for now, I'm simply sharing the foundation of this very post you're reading: my love of writing. Although I am technically a published author (I had a poem published in the fifth grade—I know, I know; I'm kind of a big deal), I never considered myself a writer. Thanks in part to that Millenial mindset that said I had to go to college and my subsequent belief that, if I didn't get a degree in it, it doesn't count. Yikes.

But when I take a look back at my life thus far, writing has always been there as a strength. It's also been a crutch; but most importantly, it's been an outlet—a release. Which brings us here. When it came time to start my business, there wasn't a doubt in my mind that I'd have a supporting blog. Truthfully, I expected to write solely about design-specific topics (because that's what others were doing *eye roll*), but as time went on and I really started to own this curated element of my life, I realized just how much I had to say in and around design and business, and decided to run with what felt right.

So in an effort to consolidate my thoughts, here are the 3 reasons I've decided to start blogging for my business:

1. It's a natural form of expression for me

As I said, writing is something that comes naturally to me. When I have a new idea or insight, I turn to writing—I always have. I've never tried to describe it before (and it feels a little embarrassing to do so), but it's as if I think in blog posts and TED talks. What begins as a simple idea turns into this long-form stream of consciousness just itching to get out. So for me, writing is simply a natural extension. Now combine that way of thinking with topics I'm passionate about? Oof.

2. It's a practical marketing tool

Before I hop back into the more personal views, let's of course keep it honest and talk practicality for a moment. There are a lot of benefits to blogging from a marketing perspective, but from my own perspective, blogging helps with increasing brand visibility and optimizing SEO, creating content to be used across multiple marketing and social channels, adding value for potential clients, and increasing opportunities for engagement. I've elected to break these down further in a future post, but the point is, as passionate as I am about blogging from an emotional perspective, there are a whole host of reasons it's a practical move for my business as well. Now for the third and final reason I'm blogging for my business:

3. It's a fantastic way to foster connections

Perhaps the most personal reason I have for blogging for KWC comes back to a phrase I've used on my personal blog for as long as I can remember: "I write for me, but I blog for anyone who wants to listen." It feels a bit narcissistic at times to share my experiences thinking that people will care or that others will find motivation in it. Yeah, sharing about my services, process, and design makes sense. But what about my experiences as a work from home mom? What about the ups and downs of trying to grow a business? What about the topics that "don't belong" in a professional relationship, but I feel compelled to share?

It's taken me a long time to accept that I can bring all these together in one space. That I don't have to keep the personal stuff away simply because it's a blog for my business. Yes, there are people out there who vehemently disagree with me, but that simply means this space isn't for them. I also realize that, just as my business doesn't have to be for everyone, neither does every post. I can write on these different topics and know that they'll find the people they're meant to.

Furthermore, I am someone who often finds either inspiration or solidarity from reading others' stories or hearing their experiences. If I can share about these real life experiences and know that if even just one person reading about it feels a little more supported, heard, or seen? That's magic to me.

I currently have over 50 blog post topics and corresponding notes that have been sitting there gathering dust. It's an aspect of my business I'm excited to indulge in and share with you all. As I've said, I plan on sharing educational content, what's happening behind the scenes, recent creative work, and the honest-to-goodness look at how I integrate what I do into the life I'm living. If that sounds at all like something you'd like to follow along with, I'd love for you to sign up for email updates, as you'll get first access to new posts and content, as well as resources and studio updates.

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Designer. Mamma. Wife.
Crafting beautiful brands through meaningful and purposeful design... then writing about it here along the way!

About Kat
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